P1Vital PReDicT
P1Vital Products Ltd.
- Focus:
- 서비스 디자인
- 사용자 중심 디자인
P1vital® PReDicT is a breakthrough digital product that can detect whether an antidepressant treatment is effective within 7 days instead of 4-6 weeks.
The product could significantly improve patient outcomes, reduce healthcare costs and the wider costs to the economy of depression. P1vital approached us to ensure their product met the needs of patients and healthcare professionals, was usable and communicated results clearly.
As a Class I medical device P1vital had more considerations for their system design than a consumer offering. Research with P1vital staff and GPs allowed us to uncover how different stakeholders would need to engage with the system.
These design requirements informed wireframes, site architecture and visual design developed in open dialogue with the client. These were then combined to create an initial interactive browser-based prototype of the system.

A high-fidelity version of the prototype facilitated a formative usability study with the intended patient population. We recruited participants spanning a large age range, with a variation in digital literacy, all with experience of depression. As a medical device, ensuring that the participants understood and navigated the system as intended was a top priority.
Based on the extensive learning from usability studies, the final stage of the project was to implement changes identified and create a handover file for the client to pass to their software team.