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oct. 15. 2024

Looking ahead to MEDICA 2024

Between Monday 11th and Thursday 14th November we’ll be returning once again to Düsseldorf for MEDICA, one of the world’s largest trade fairs for medical technology & healthcare.

The event is one of the hallmarks of our calendar here at PDR. It’s been running for over 40 years and is expected to draw 5,300 exhibitors from almost 70 countries and 83,000 visitors.
Given our extensive experience within Medical Device Design, it's a great way for us to connect with clients and contacts old and new.

Our Director Jarred Evans will be joined on the trip by Business Development Officer Mengting Cheng for her first trip. With a month to go until takeoff we sat down with Jarred and Mengting to talk PDR’s relationship with MEDICA, what they’re looking forward to seeing and who we’re excited to chat with.

What marks MEDICA out as such an important event for us?

Jarred: So much of our work and experience is in the development of medical devices. MEDICA is one of the big events in the industry calendar and a convenient place to catch up with many companies and friends we have made over the years.
I think this is my 26th or 27th MEDICA now, and aside from a diary of meetings it's also a useful venue to make some time to research new trends, technologies and competitors.

Can you explain more about PDR's history in the Medical Device Development sector?

Jarred: I worked for many years in medical device development before I joined PDR (a hundred years ago), and for the last 20 years medical device development has been the majority of our insight, research and design work. We have worked on everything from Class1 to Class 3 devices for many of the world's largest companies globally as well as many hundreds of innovative smaller companies and start-ups in the UK. It’s an interesting body of work and experience now, one that allows us to use that experience to quickly get impactful insights and solutions.

What sort of companies are we looking to get in contact with at MEDICA?

Jarred: We’ve got extensive expertise within the medical sector that includes defining new opportunities and product specifications; usability engineering and testing; interface and interactions design; and product development from concept through to manufacturing. Our portfolio of clients extends from hospital furniture to surgical implants, which means overall there’s a broad range of organisations that we can help.

We are always curious, and I genuinely love to speak to companies and individuals about their industry, technology and challenges. It’s the foundation of everything I've learned in the 30 years or so I've being doing this. A bit sad perhaps but I am always happy to talk shop and learn.

What are your thoughts ahead of your first MEDICA?

Mengting: I’m really looking forward to attending MEDICA for the first time, as well as visiting Germany for the first time. Knowing it’s the world’s largest medical exhibition with over 5,000 exhibitors is impressive, and colleagues who have attended before have mentioned it’s a great opportunity to network and learn. I’m excited to experience it and make the most of the four days there.

Who are you looking forward to chatting to? (can be broad rather than specific companies)

Mengting: I'm excited to meet a diverse range of professionals at MEDICA this year. I'm especially happy to connect with medical device manufacturers, digital health innovators, and those working in healthcare tech, telemedicine, and diagnostics. Start-ups are always on my interest list too – they bring such fresh ideas and innovative solutions. Plus, I’m keen to chat with Asian and Chinese companies, given my background and interest in how they’re expanding globally. I think these conversations could lead to some exciting insights and collaboration opportunities for PDR.

How will people be able to get in contact with us?

Mengting: People can easily get in touch with us at MEDICA by stopping by our booth, sending an email, connecting with me on LinkedIn, or scheduling a meeting in advance. I’m also happy to chat before or after the event if that’s more convenient.

If you’re interested in chatting to Jarred or Mengting make sure to use the links above. To learn more about our design expertise including Medical Device Design, click here.